Donate to OH projects.
Whilst many of our donations are given without restriction, we do understand that when making a special gift, there are times when you might prefer to direct your gift to a particular purpose or project.If there is something particular you have in mind for your donation, please do get in touch with the Development team via the contact page.If you are looking for ideas, here are a few to consider:
Future Freedom
Every year we produce scores of videos reaching tens of thousands of UK students; organize dozens of conferences and events – and speak at many more university society debates. We offer over 100 internships at our London offices, and run several student competitions; teacher training days and more. In fact we estimate that about 25% of our annual budget is dedicated to explaining free market ideas to the next generation. If you want to help us spread the word even further, head to the donate page , make a donation and type FUTURE FREEDOM into the text box. To find out more about our work with the next generation please get in touch with Alex Lee at
Student Opportunity Fund
Whilst almost all our student programmes are offered without charge to the students or their schools, the cost of a train fare to get to our events can still remain a barrier to some. Our Student Opportunity Fund exists to directly reimburse the travel costs (and sometimes accommodation and food bills) of those students who can’t afford to get to what just might be a life-changing experience. To find out more about this fund email Alex Lee at
Although renowned for its academic research around the world, the HKH is not all about books. Our YouTube channel HKHLONDON publishes around 250 videos a year For as little as £5 a month you can support our digital outputs directly. Click here to find out more and sign up as an HKH digital patron today.
Initiative For African Trade & Prosperity
IATP has been created help bring peace and prosperity to millions of Africans. Partnering with a swathe of groups with a shared understanding of the enormous economic benefit free markets can bring, we work together to build a bolder and stronger voice for free trade right across the continent. To find out more, visit the IATP website. To donate to this project head over to the donate page and type IATP into the textbox, or talk to Jack Confrey at
Doorway to Discovery
Texts and ideas which explore and explain the principles and values of a free society remain all too scarce in many parts of the world where they are needed most. Where they do exist, they are typically not in the local languages that are so necessary to see them shared and spread. In 2021 we have already given away 500+ translation permissions totally free of charge so far. But we also do more. Working with the Network for a Free Society, where we can, we provide funds to assist local groups translate, print and promote our books. To help us spread ideas on freedom even further please head over to the donate page, make a donation, and type DOORWAY TO DISCOVERY in the free textbox. To find out more, talk to Alex Lee at
EPICENTER was founded in 2014 to inform the EU policy debate and promote the principles of a free society by bringing together the economic expertise of its members. In 2022, EPICENTER has grown to be an independent network of nine leading think tanks from across Europe. For more information about EPICENTER visit the website here. To find out more, talk to Jack Confrey at
Let Us Begin
Our mission is to kick-start the first ‘single-step’ of five journeys, each involving several thousand miles, and each contributing positively to the betterment of humanity.
Central to our belief and endeavor is Adam Smith’s insight that mankind is both self-interest-oriented and a ‘social creature’ capable of ‘virtue.’ When certain members of society provide the goodwill to initiate the first step, it will likely catch the attention of the ‘invisible hand,’ which will then help bring support from other members of society. Combined together, this support can help ‘convert their private interests and passions’ into ‘a better society for all,’ perhaps without any of them knowing or intending the consequences of their varied actions.
We aim to demonstrate that Adam Smith’s vision is still realistic and achievable in today’s world. This, in turn, could inspire others to embark on similar endeavors, thus kick-starting a self-sustaining and snowballing Virtuous Cycle.
Given the pioneering and experimental nature of our endeavor and all the constraints in life, we have found that our aspirations far exceed our individual capabilities. Therefore, we seek the support and participation of all individuals, corporations, and other citizens of the world. This support will enable our experiments and endeavors to continue, allowing us to fine-tune and improve them along the way. This could make our journeys—and those who join us—more interesting and fulfilling.
Inspired by Adam Smith’s thoughts on philanthropy, as articulated in the HKH wealth management paradigm, we believe the most profound and lasting impact comes from the act of ‘beneficence’ itself. This impact grows as more free and autonomous individuals and entities from diverse places participate.
So, let us begin.